Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish with a different topic for a top-ten list each week. You can find out more about it here.
The links will take you to my reviews (if available).
This week's topic is:
Top Ten Favorite Book Covers
1. Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler
I love the whole idea of the heart made out of seaglass, and the colors of the heart are so beautiful! It's great how the cover ties into the actual story, with the meaning of the seaglass and the red one and everything - I love when book covers tell you something about the actual book, or when you can only really understand the cover once you've read the book.
2. North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley
I'm not usually a fan of covers with just a model's face, but for this one, it totally works. How the girl's hair covers her right cheek to hide her birthmark fits the story so well, and I love the compass, which also plays an important role in this book. (I don't know how well you can see the compass like this, but it looks really cool on the real book.)

This cover is so sad and beautiful at the same time! The flower is gorgeous, and that one petal falling down... I just love it! It portrays the atmosphere in the book perfectly.

I didn't want to put this one on the list along with Twenty Boy Summer since the ideas are so similar, but I love both covers so I just put them both on the list. And this one is kind of different, with the black background and all. Again, I love how the cover ties into the story here, with the heart Ann gives Connor and what it means. That, and it's just so pretty!

This one isn't as obviously beautiful as the rest of these covers, but it's so, so startling. The black and white picture with the red rose petals catches your attention, and the look in the model's eyes tells you everything you need to know about this book.

I don't know what it is about them, but I love pictures of swings. I thought about putting Jo Knowles's Jumping Off Swings on here too, but I decided to go with just Pieces of Us. Anyways, I really like the message of the empty swing - so sad and beautiful. It ties in nicely with the story, too.
7. Fixing Delilah by Sarah Ockler
I love the whole metaphor with fixed and broken and all of that, and the cover portrays that idea perfectly. The ripped apart paper-doll or whatever you call that, glued back together again, and the fingers with the chapped nail polish... The cover is just perfect, so pretty!

I love, love, love this book, and the cover fits perfectly. The city lights, and the two people sitting in the dark - I just love it!
9. Brooklyn, Burning by Steve Brezenoff
To be honest, I didn't even get the cover at first - but now that I see it's a match, I love it. Fits to the story and catches your attention immediately!
10. Winter Town by Stephen Emond
I haven't read this one yet, so I don't know how well the cover works with the story, but I love the cover on its own. I love the simplicity and the whole idea - the paper snowflakes are so beautiful! I need to get around to reading this one soon!
So these are (some of) my favorite book covers. What are your favorites?
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