Today we have Jess Rothenberg here to do some character tweets for the cast of The Catastrophic History of You and Me! This post is part of The Teen Book Scene's blog tour for The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg. You can find out all about the tour here. Make sure to visit all the other stops if you'd like to know more about The Catastrophic History of You and Me!
So here are the character tweets!
Hey @BrieLikeTheCheese! What’s-a-happenin-hot-stuff?
@HolyJeansBoy Uh, is that pizza on your face or are u just happy to see me?
@BrieLikeTheCheese Definitely pizza. (I’m saving it 4 later.)
@HolyJeansBoy Of course you are. Silly me.
@BrieLikeTheCheese Knock, knock.
@HolyJeansBoy #KillMeNow.
@BrieLikeTheCheese #ALittleLateForThatAngel. Knock, knock.
@HolyJeansBoy Who’s there?
@BrieLikeTheCheese Banana.
@HolyJeansBoy Oh, you’ve got to be kidding.
@BrieLikeTheCheese Come on, just play along.
@HolyJeansBoy Banana who?
@BrieLikeTheCheese Knock, knock.
@HolyJeansBoy Patrick!
@BrieLikeTheCheese No, see, when I say “knock, knock” YOU say “who’s there?”
@HolyJeansBoy OKAY. W-h-o’-s t-h-e-r-e?
@BrieLikeTheCheese Huh?
@HolyJeansBoy I SAID—
@BrieLikeTheCheese Knock, knock.
@HolyJeansBoy #SomebodySaveMeeee
@BrieLikeTheCheese Banan—HEY. Who moved my slice of cheese??
@HolyJeansBoy Hm, no idea. *crunches loudly on pizza* Must have been @TheHaminator.
@BrieLikeTheCheese Knock, knock.
@HolyJeansBoy Who’s there?
@BrieLikeTheCheese Orange.
@HolyJeansBoy ….
@BrieLikeTheCheese C’mon, we’ve been thru this. You’re SUPPOSED to say—
@HolyJeansBoy ORANGE WHO?!!
@BrieLikeTheCheese Orange you glad we’re 2gether for all eternity? <3
@HolyJeansBoy Uh, is that pizza on your face or are u just happy to see me?
@BrieLikeTheCheese Definitely pizza. (I’m saving it 4 later.)
@HolyJeansBoy Of course you are. Silly me.
@BrieLikeTheCheese Knock, knock.
@HolyJeansBoy #KillMeNow.
@BrieLikeTheCheese #ALittleLateForThatAngel. Knock, knock.
@HolyJeansBoy Who’s there?
@BrieLikeTheCheese Banana.
@HolyJeansBoy Oh, you’ve got to be kidding.
@BrieLikeTheCheese Come on, just play along.
@HolyJeansBoy Banana who?
@BrieLikeTheCheese Knock, knock.
@HolyJeansBoy Patrick!
@BrieLikeTheCheese No, see, when I say “knock, knock” YOU say “who’s there?”
@HolyJeansBoy OKAY. W-h-o’-s t-h-e-r-e?
@BrieLikeTheCheese Huh?
@HolyJeansBoy I SAID—
@BrieLikeTheCheese Knock, knock.
@HolyJeansBoy #SomebodySaveMeeee
@BrieLikeTheCheese Banan—HEY. Who moved my slice of cheese??
@HolyJeansBoy Hm, no idea. *crunches loudly on pizza* Must have been @TheHaminator.
@BrieLikeTheCheese Knock, knock.
@HolyJeansBoy Who’s there?
@BrieLikeTheCheese Orange.
@HolyJeansBoy ….
@BrieLikeTheCheese C’mon, we’ve been thru this. You’re SUPPOSED to say—
@HolyJeansBoy ORANGE WHO?!!
@BrieLikeTheCheese Orange you glad we’re 2gether for all eternity? <3
Make sure to check out all the other stops of the tour, and keep your eye out for The Catastrophic History of You and Me, which is out today!

The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg
(Amazon | Goodreads)
Brie's life at sixteen: Her boyfriend tells her he doesn't love her, and the news breaks her heart—literally. But now that she's in heaven, Brie is about to discover that love is way more complicated than she ever imagined. Back in Half Moon Bay, her family has begun to unravel. Her best friend knows a secret about Jacob, the boy she loved and lost—and the truth behind his shattering betrayal. And then there's Patrick, Brie's mysterious new guide and resident Lost Soul who's been D&G (dead and gone) much longer than she . . . and who just might hold the key to her forever after. With Patrick's help, Brie will have to pass through the five stages of grief before she's ready to move on. But how do you begin again, when your heart is still in pieces?
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